Dr. Lori Adcock, MD, VAST Advisor. Her scientific and medical career has improved the quality of life of those with diabetes and endocrine disorders. She accomplished this as a teacher, clinician and in her research capacity at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, as well as in her subsequent private practice in Midland Texas.
Dr. Adcock's commitment to educating medical students, residents and fellows, and to disease prevention and treatment has most recently been redirected and expressed through her involvement in an innovative “Aging in Place” community-wide initiative.
As Vice President of the Board of Directors of Santa Fe Neighbors, she is addressing the expanded needs of the aging population in Santa Fe NM.
When not traveling the world or visiting her two grandkids, she is also a board member of the Las Campanas Scholarship Fund, a not for profit which grants scholarships to local students, to enable them to complete their higher education.
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