It was brought to my attention by a dear and wise Buddhist friend that there is an element of magic in the Buddhist teachings referred to as Dralaenergies .
Drala is a Tibetan word that signifies “ beyond aggression ”.It refers to simple and synchronistic events that create a place of goodness and purity known as Shambhala. This is the intentional blending of the spiritual and temporal within the moments of everyday life. Itis present within the sense of wonder and awe that illuminates a human face with the light of innocence. Drala is the opportunity to deeply communicate with the sacredness of life. It can occur simply in the way we view the clouded sky, open a squeaky window or give thanks to plenty before eating. From the nascent understanding I have formulated, it appears that Drala is also about courage. Those who speak and walk their truth attract drala energies
The beloved meditation master Chogyam Trungpa clearly explained the Drala Principle and its preciousness in this way…
“We may have been interested in our world when we were children, but then we were taught how to handle it by our parents who had already developed as system to deal with the world and to shield themselves from it at the same time. As we accepted that system, we lost contact with the freshness and curiosity of experience.”
Here is an article with more information .
The ability to stay connected to the awe, stand in the power of your truth and fully witness the inherent beauty and goodness around and within us, is a huge gift to humankind and the planet. It is also a prime deliverable of the VAST Blueprint for Success Program. In learning how to best apply the inherent multidimensional goodness within ourselves, we ignite an alchemical process whereby we contribute a higher level of energy that mends the world. In resonating with goodness and wonder, we are simultaneously grateful to life and empowered to uplift ourselves and those around us in new and bold ways. The ability to break through negativity is aided when one is grounded in what our dear Buddhist friends understand Drala. See how cultivating Drala energies can renew your sense of wonder.
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