VAST Institute

VAST September Original Thinking News

• September 7, 2021

Refreshed from a sweet summer of playing, grounding and growing...

Dearest Friends and Esteemed Colleagues,


It is wonderful to be back from sabbatical to share our September edition of VAST Original Thinking® News.


It was great fortune to spend this summer with my favorite people, in some of my favorite places on the planet. Got to travel, mix it up with fellow humans a bit and gain perspective on important truths; like how moments of awe at the beauty in front of us, even during difficulty or derision, is vital to our personal and collective growth and sanity.


Refreshed from a sweet summer of playing, grounding and growing, it is my pleasure to share the replenishing energy and a few, insightful moments-in-time.


During my recent journeys to the three distinct locals of the Big Island, Seattle and Santa Fe, I witnessed a condensed version of how magical life can be, if I can muster the courage to focus on what is already wondrous in your world.


The VAST team has been simmering with creativity all summer long, preparing fresh, engaging content, podcasts and workshops, sure to delight and inspire - Our event calendar is filled with uplifting guidance and brainstorms to shift the close of 2021 to be more encouraging, within and without. Let the adventure unfold.


This month’s issue of Original Thinking News will explore:


1)  Leadership Genius: The Benefits of Being Happy, even during the rough times


2)  Sound and Light 
podcast series
with Jim Cohen and Michelle Sherman
The focus is life and music; the stories are profound. 


Jim Cohen and Michelle Sherman, two cool New York kids, who befriended music - recount how it influenced their lives. Enjoy this unscripted, and poignant dialogue about our music as a life influencer, sustainer and compass.

They begin on the streets of New York in the 50’s and bring us forward to their vision for today and how music brings us so much more than just noise.

Please welcome Michelle Purnell Hepburn, to the Taste of Original Thinking podcast series. as she riffs with us on The Curly Girls Guide to Belonging.  Michelle brings great warmth, humor, cross industry wisdom and insight to our discussion, rant and rave about making room for every curly girl or honorary curly girl at the table.


And please take a moment to review our VAST Fall 2021 online class schedule thoughtfully crafted to support your growth as lifelong leaders and learners.
Join us to refresh as a
Leader, with our weekly Leadership Genius Roundtable, as a Person, with our Practical Optimists Book Club and, as a Lover of Life ready to Welcome the Belove, during a two-part healthy relationship event in October.


In the midst of change and chaos let us see the beauty around as a reminder of where we want to go, together. As designer Christian Dior so clearly expressed, “Happiness is the secret to all beauty. There is no beauty without happiness”.
See and cultivate beauty in the midst of the bleak, and you will shift your perspective finding support, ingenuity and untapped treasure among your team.

Let us hear your story.

~ Michelle

Additional Blog Post Suggestions

Curly Girls Guide to Belonging Lesson two Worthiness Rules
By Michelle Sherman April 11, 2022
Michelle Purnell Hepburn and Michelle Sherman explore the road to self appreciation and dignity
Leading from the Empathy Edge with VAST Original Thinking guest Maria Ross
By Michelle Sherman January 5, 2022
Addressing the Empathy Deficit in Business leadership takes both wisdom and proven strategies. Join Michelle as she hears Maria Ross spin on profitable ways to bridge the Empathy Deficit
May Peace Prevail on Earth...
By Website Editor December 21, 2021
2021 Team Thank and VAST 2022 vision
Einstein fanfiction reveals the unified field
By micehlle sherman December 5, 2021
Einstein fanfiction reveals the unified field
By Michelle Sherman November 7, 2021
VAST Institute Original Thinking News shares its unique form of confidence, clarity and imagination
Join Michelle Sherman, Life and Leadership Coach to learn the gentlest path forward to wel
By Michelle Sherman August 29, 2021
Tune in for an adult look at what levels of joy, sweetness and gentle abandon we are each willing to allow into our lives. Come prepared to lighten up from past burdens as you devise a pathway to welcoming the beloved.
By Michelle Sherman August 28, 2021
Please join Michelle Purnell Hepburn, as she riffs with Michelle Sherman on Inclusion Related issues of substance
Music to Glow by...
By Michelle Sherman August 28, 2021
The focus is life and music; the stories are profound. Jim Cohen and Michelle Sherman, two cool New York kids, who befriended music - recount how it influenced their lives. Enjoy this unscripted, and poignant dialogue about our music as a life influencer, sustainer and compass; Sound & Light regales us with stories of Jim and Michelle’s memories of music, and delves into key moments of personal growth, the sweep of time, and the power of the beat. They begin on the streets of New York in the 50’s and bring us forward to their vision for today and how music brings us all so much more than just beautiful noise. Listen NOW. Insert link MS
By August 28, 2021
Seeing the beauty is an essential skill for cogent leaders
By Michelle Sherman June 8, 2021
A heartfelt examination of the difference between Patriarchal Bullies and Kindhearted Brave Men
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