VAST Institute

Can you Give me Sanctuary?  

Michelle Sherman • December 9, 2019

A modern tale of migration

Can you Give me Sanctuary?

A modern tale of migration

“Can you give me sanctuary?

I must find a place to hide, a place for me to hide.

Can you find me soft asylum?

I can’t take it anymore.


The man is at the door!”


- Jim Morrison


The man shows up in various forms.


I hear many a story about sanctuary as it relates to the movement of human beings about the planet during current discussions on migration. My Heartfelt compassion is with all those who are seeking sanctuary each in their own way. This is just one minor tale of tolerance and welcoming.


I live in occasionally sunny West Seattle, Washington, and we are experiencing the direct impact of the migratory effect of a newly minted,corporate, transient population moving from one urban tech-center to another around the country for Starbucks, Amazon, Microsoft, Costco and Google. Many of those people pass through my neighborhood on their climb up that lofty ladder. They Are a lovely group, but nonetheless I have thousands of new neighbors learning the local quirky customs. This story is about temporary neighbors dropping infor a brief time, met with our hearty welcome, until their position is assigned to elsewhere. When it comes to new neighbors of all types, how we enter new cultures, or welcome the people before us, sets the stage for the world we ultimately create together.


Once quiet streets are now lovingly populated with dozens of neighbors walking scores of sweet dogs. Lots of activity after the prior quiet.The good news is that West Seattle is finally becoming a cool place to be. When I first moved here three decades ago, the big joke was only grandmothers lived in West Seattle. And it was mostly true. Although those days are gone, we can boast many wonderful things besides the best ice cream in the universe from Husky Deli (Swiss chocolate orange for me).

West Seattle is my opportunity to be a good sport about the migratory patterns of corporate transients and their families. This inflow of new humans is myform of crowded displacement with parking scarcer, or our favorite restaurants getting busier. Thank goodness the locals are still given a bit of special attention.Nice touch. A positive attitude towards other humans is everything. See good,be good. See other stuff, not so good. People all have the same needs just different ways of getting those needs met. Compassion and inclusion can be strong and respectful.


As I meet my many new neighbors, I choose to smile, say hello,welcome them to the neighborhood and be friendly. As a result, I have been meeting many great and interesting folks.


This is my suggestion for creating sanctuary in modern times.


 ·  See all problems as human problems; it saves time and energy.


 ·  See all children as our children; itis practical and provides a sense of sanctuary for all who dwell in that space.

This is Original Thinking at its best.

 Peace be with you and yours.

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