I often say that flowers are my friends.
They are also a source of
inspiration and here is why:
1)They are all different and seem to get along without trying to change a daisy into a rose
2)Each one does its best to be its authentic self
3)Although there are a few intimidating flowers in the yard, mostly, they get along just fine when given a bit of space, attention and respect
4)They embody the best about our sense of smell and color
5)They transport us to faraway places within and without
6)They are healers in their own right
7)They remind us of subtle aspects of our self
8)Their color stimulates our spiritual bodies as exampled in the chakra model
9)They are delicate yet powerful in their presence
10)The bees love to visit them and gather their sweetness
11)They comfort us in times of sadness
12)They bring great joy to the physical,
emotional and spiritual worlds of humans
Why do you love flowers?
Why are they your friends?
Let us know and we will add your comments to our Why Flowers are Friends List
and publish your comments in next month’s newsletter. Contact
us here
with your entry.
Above Plumeria from the gardens of Randolph McCreight, Pamalu, Kapoho, HA. 2008.
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