Some days it takes all the energy I can muster to sift through the onslaught of information about the multitude of topics that directly impact my life, loved ones and community to find the diamond in that rough. It is on those days I adhere to a list of remedies to turn towards the sunshine, the inner sunshine.
First , I sit down and explain to myself how grateful I am that I had breakfast this morning, a warm clean bed to sleep in and a safe space to reside much of the time. That is a lot of freedom and space for living that unfortunately many of other people do not yet have.
Second , on those days when I cannot find solace in the above, I breathe deep, turn my attention to nature and snub humankind for a few hours to play with the nonjudgmental flowers, plants, squirrels, hummingbirds,bees and bugs of-all-types. Just sitting, breathing deeply and communing with Goodness while admiring the beautiful tapestry of life and nature. The color,the scents, the sounds and the friendly little critters going about their business. When I do not have a garden to play in, I find my favorite tree or spot in the park and befriend that majestic neighborhood.
Third , When #1 or #2 are OK , but do not fully do the trick, I call my trusted besties and ask them to tell me three things they appreciate about me to remind me why I am so lovable, a nice person and worthy of a giving myself a break for being myself..
Fourth , I sit with a blank piece of paper and a box of crayons, paints, colored pencils and play with color. Color is a gentle and healing presence. Spending time with colors and shapes is inspirational. A coloring book is wonderful too. I especially like the fresh paper inviting a dance with the spectrum of color to stimulate the heart and mind.
Playing with colors and shapes is a form of meditation. The Indian Hindu culture shares mantras to meditate with sound, and the sacred geometry patterns of yantras to resonate with color and balanced form.A gifted Vedic Astrologer I know, Kathleen Whalen , conducted painting classes with her teacher Pieter Weltevrede for those seeking to unlock the secret of yantras and their sacred geometry. In attending I was awestruck by the use of color and form to heal and help for the yantra forms represent the Hindu pantheon of deities and archetypes through their visual beauty.
If you see the recurring shapes and colors as a fun game of life, you find what attracts you from the rainbow of choices. Nourish yourself with floral patterns, eggplant purple, Mediterranean blue, or deep forest green. Then, reflect on the amazing fractal geometry of our ecosystem like a tapestry, as it mimics itself on the micro and macro cosmic levels. Clouds look like marshmallows, which look like mushrooms, which look like explosions,which look like volcanic activity which, look like rivers flowing, which look like blood coursing through your veins magnified. Amazing, colorful, harmonious and out there for you to enjoy.
Albert Einstein, the great thinker, understood that developing a
positive imagination was an essential life skill when he said,
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Your choice.
Let us know what you discover.
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