The occurrence of wonderful outcomes that are presently beyond your imagination are often cited as miracles.
We have more power that we acknowledge in this Quantum field to create the stellar outcomes that honor, nourish and delight the human spirit. At Vast we see our personal and collective job is to become consciously competent at this.
I adore those humans who stretch the imagination of the rest of us. During my life I have had the honor of meeting some remarkable examples, Gene Cernan, the last man of the moon, Paul Allen, Co-Founder of Microsoft and Seattle re-imagineer, Frank Herbert, author of Dune and Timothy Leary, renegade of consciousness. Each gent imbued our time together with significance that has stayed with me and encouraged my intellectual boldness that has stood the test of time.
As outlined in Kindling the Flame , when I met Commander Cernan and asked him if they had the vaguest of idea on how to reach and return from the moon, he and Mr. Kraft Chief of mission control make it clear that,
“Hundreds, if not thousands, of people with diverse backgrounds, from varied disciplines, worked together to first imagine and then build the space program. They stretched the limits of human imagination. People just like you and I imagined into creation the thousands of solutions necessary for this goal to be accomplished. Brave men and women were willing to risk their lives to answer these bold questions and solve previously unimaginable challenges”.
In short, they ventured into the Newness of space without a clue as to how the physics of it worked. What brave and brilliant people.
When I met Paul Allen at the official unveiling of his Sci Fi Museum in 2000 at a private party, he shared his vision for the museum, Vulcan and answered the questions posed to him including those about his days at Microsoft. When my turn came and the conversation about his cutting-edge development of Seattle settled, I asked Paul in front of the crowd, “Mr Allen, Michelle here, Sir, have you yet decided what you are going to do to create Peace on Earth this afternoon”? The crowd gasped at the boldness of such a question from a guest. The question stopped him in his animated tracks long enough to reap a huge smile, kindhearted nod in my direction after which he said, “Michelle, I have not yet done so, but that is a great question!!!” It was the not yet that gave me the most encouragement. It indicated that he would consider this idea. He did not yet know the answer but was confident enough to consider the question as valid. I miss you Paul, fellow Original Thinker and Seahawk Hero.
Then there was Frank Herbert in 1985 who participated with Timothy Leary as the keynote speaker of the first Seattle Tradeshow on Personal Computing. Yes, since PC’s were invented in mid 1970s as kits built for sale models and so in 1985 were still was considered bleeding edge technology. Frank Herbert was the keynote speaker with Timothy Leary handling break outs sessions with Tom Robbins sitting in to encourage and listen. All three gents were Original Thinkers I admired.
My partner was the Marketing Director for the show, so I had the opportunity to hear and meet each of the gents.
Frank Herbert spoke of the revolutionary nature of the PC and how it would transform civilization as we knew it, both in connectedness and isolation. He understood that this tool had more power to unleash that we could imagine. It seemed dramatic at the time, but as usual Frank was right.
Timothy was presenting his newest boutique software that mimicked the psychometric testing he had perfected before his days of LSD fame. When we had drinks after the show, we discussed the imprinting effects of LSD and its use in healing trauma. As a child of the 70’s, who was seeking a better life experience, I knew personally of the healing properties of alternative realities. If I had not been able to step outside my world and embrace the possibility that there existed a reality I had yet to perceive I may have perished. Tim Leary himself vibrantly explained to me why LSD has such a hallowed place in my spiritual journey. Thank you, Tim, for your forward thinking.
Each of these men were brave in their willingness to imagine and share their unique vision and perspective from deep within. As Thomas Merton, beloved mystic said,
“There is in us and instinct for newness, for renewal, for a liberation of creative power. We seek to awaken in ourselves a force which really changes our lives from within…To be born again is not to become somebody else, but to become ourselves”.
That is the true miracle.
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