What are you starting today?
When people say that it is virtuous to be patient I often look at them in confusion due to the fact that patience is not my virtue. I have always wondered when we were going to figure out how to get along as people, communities and nations on this planet.
Often, I’m told that’s impossible, but in my heart, I know it is inevitable. We launched our first website in 2002 and after years of thoughtful curation, dedicated to sharing the best VAST has to offer, we updated the VAST Institute website with a marketplace and blog to share the best of VAST.
Its goal is to expedite the illumination of human kindness through daily personal choices and enlightened business practices. The team and I dug deep to ensure that how we created this site reflected our goal to support optimism about the future of humankind.
It is the optimism that keeps us buoyant until the proof shows up. This morning I woke up and thought, who knew the journey would take this long and then I realized that we are really just beginning,
Patience is not my virtue, optimism is.
~ Michelle Sherman
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