The Deep Gratitude Of Belonging
As I work to resolve the existential human paradox of yearning for connection while valuing individual, unique presence, I often wonder if, or where, I belong. I have discovered that we each belong even when we do not feel like it. This is one of our greatest lessons as fragile human hearts. When we do experience a feeling of belonging our soul aligns and knows it is okay to brighten the planet from exactly where we are, as we are.
I begin to understand that I have a right to be here as a kindhearted, honestand optimistic force of nature. I belong, as do we all. I have diligently worked to rest assured in the knowledge that I am loved, cared for, protected and cherished. I wish that for every living creature on the planet. The poem “Belonging " captures the moment in my life when I had the epiphany that I am completely lovable as created.
Poetry from Walking Flower: A Blossoming of Consciousness
by Michelle Sherman
I belong with you- I know so
It was told me in a dream.
And when the truth revealed itself,
My most anxious heart became serene.
My center it felt peaceful.
As I heard this truth bespoken.
For until that moment precious
The spokes of this pure heart had felt incomplete and broken.
The thought of being with you
And belonging for one brief measure
Brought into my heart’s deepest core
A joy and fearfulness beyondall pleasure.
For I have never belonged
to another
From the passage of my birth.
And try as I may to give of myself
A complete connection still did thirst.
But now I know the feeling
Of being Whole,
As I discover the balance of my soul resides
Within the form that dwells
From the top of Your head
To the souls of Your feet.
published in Walking Flower: a blossoming of consciousness
©2005 League of Angels Publishing, Seattle, WA
Order a first edition copy today
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