The Willing Apprentice
The willing apprentice is not always so willing
To give up control- be it correct or so thrilling.
The willing apprentice will listen and learn.
Becoming malleable, interested,
twisted and turned...
To completely new places
She stands, poised, herself to dive
Trusting her mentor that chances are good
She will make it out alive.
Seeking a knowledge
And the path, that she alone must walk
The questions are many.
While the fear it loves to talk and talk.
Yet her mentors remain patiently in service
Reminding her that everything now,
shall one day pass
On her way to becoming who she truly is
An exquisite woman of quality, purpose
and incomparable class.
Reprinted with permission from
Walking Flower :a blossoming of consciousness.
League of Angels Publishing, 2005
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