In Reviewing the business publications articles that cross my desk, talking to others about their business challenges, and from scanning social media, I Conclude that today, advocating for the personal development of employees is an essential part of attracting, retaining, and growing (both qualitatively and quantitatively) the workforce. No longer do we question why we should embrace providing personal development employees. It is demanded by the workforce. Studies by Entrepreneur magazine (2016), Forbes (2017) and Oracle(2017), among others, reveal that Millennials are looking for employment opportunities to meaningfully contribute, the ability to apply their best skills and be respected and recognized for their value to the company. These factors are also present in previous studies of generations at work, as a quick search on Google Will demonstrate.
Throughout My career, I have been motivated to nourish both the professional and personal development of those around me. Be they clients, colleagues or employees, I experience significant pride in the new-found zest for life usually translates into a new-found enthusiasm for my business organization. This Intangible zest has profited the companies I’ve led in ways that I had not expected. While navigating the management of larger and larger teams, I learned to anticipate that “something”great would ultimately result from supporting the “whole” colleague without creating an expectation about what that “something” should be. In doing so I have been repeatedly surprised,and pleasantly rewarded. My suggestion to professionals of all pay grades seeking remarkable talent is this,
Create a Whole Person Culture, be known for it, and become legendary.
A dividend of motivated and talented people, will remain loyal and contribute in unforeseen ways to the company success. Let me explain.
I Know a professional services company that was legendary for having a collection of exotic cars that employees could drive while on company business. That perk helped distinguish the firm and attract the type of talent they required while showcasing their values. Itattracted talent but the fast cars did not point to value for their customers.Today that approach seems antiquated, but the legendary concept is always relevant.
Instead Of fast cars, how about being legendary as a company of FIRE WALKERS?! Becoming legendary for business associates that have walked over hot coals could foster a legend with the expectations of accomplishing much more in the pursuit of client objectives. Attracting employees to the firm that want to experience walking over hot coals, self-selects a stratum of likely high performers and risk takers.
My Personal experience with “fire walking” in Dec 31, 1998, led me to offer this as a personal development experience to an employee who found herself promoted to a new position, and though she had the capability, felt less than confident in her ability to persuade or lead others. Confidence as an inspired leader washer growth edge.
By Increasing personal confidence, we bring out previously unknown talents and abilities in individuals. Increased Confidence can come from a variety of events or circumstances, usually experienced over time. Sometimes, when“time is of the essence”, more unique experiences may provide a quicker boost.
The colleague who doubted her leadership abilities accepted my offer and successfully fire walked. With this new-found confidence, she blossomed in her new role and garnered the respect of her peers.
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