VAST Institute

Confessions of a Modern-Day Mystic

Michelle Sherman • April 5, 2020

How to stay in touch with the magic, power and beauty around and within you through consciousness


The world around us is changing as we speak.

In the 1980s, I remember reading a book called Bringers of the Dawn that predicted an impending paradigm shift toward compassion and unity for all of humanity.Some referred to it as the dawning of the age of Aquarius. At that time, those of us interested in a peaceful globe understood that every violent conflict had the potential to escalate to a nuclear calamity. We knew we were capable of other strategies if we chose to imagine and pursue them. At VAST we know our daily choices contribute to creating that next paradigm. In that I am not alone.

Over the past 40 years , many of us who passionately invested our energies into creating a world
Beyond War, Harmonic Convergence, interfaith peace circles, Conscious Commerce business round tables, international peace initiatives and Citizen Diplomacy , knew something disruptive was required to make that paradigm shift occur.

Although open to peaceful measures , the chances of humankind waking up to the reality of working together for the benefit of our children and grandchildren,without a world war or the appearance of extraterrestrial life, seemed remote back then.
Unfortunately, this virus could be the unintended answer to those shared prayers for peace on earth.


This illness is forcing us to experience how connected we are as a species , residing on this small planet, at this time. Our sense of separation has been dissolved as we realize that all humanity is impacted by this sad and lethal equalizer. No matter your social station, religion,country or skin pigment, most people on this planet now share a common goal, to live through this pandemic and care for their family. Thankfully, people are beginning to understand, some for the very first time, that they are part of a larger human family. This realization can quicken the onset of that paradigm shift towards global unity. It also fuels the hope that goodwill and humankindness will ultimately prevail amid this painful reality.


This pandemic is the perfect time to discover who people truly are and what they value. While some are selling their stocks and hoarding face masks to sell to the highest bidder, others are courageously risking their lives to reverse the lethal effect of this virus. The ingenuity and generosity of those currently aiding their ailing friends, family, coworkers,city, neighbors and country during this shared situation is beyond heartwarming.Some people are being good to one another as part of an afflicted human family.Others are ignoring scientific findings in the name of spiritual superiority. I humbly believe science and spirituality can peacefully coexist, since both are of divine origin.


Guess which point of view represents the new versus the old paradigm? Where do you choose to live? If you are interested in exploring these issues and understanding more about how to expedite a paradigm shift towards enlightened versus self-absorbed interests, we suggest taking our Accomplishing Goals with Ease online class – a primer on consciousness.


If you are seeking help to clarify what is uniquely yours to be, do and have, contact me via our website for 1:1 remote coaching options and guidance.


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