VAST Institute

The Mantle of Socially Intelligent Business Leadership

Michelle Sherman • April 4, 2020

It is time for a global Paradigm Shift with business people leading the way as truth tellers and truth seekers. A few VAST quick encouragement ideas on the practice of Truth Telling from both Albert and Michelle


Socially Intelligent Leadership is the capacity to direct, manage and optimize human systems judiciously and empathetically for the benefit of all stakeholders.

When a leader you
realizes that the most valuable asset they possess are the minds and trust of the capable, loyal, talented colleagues who surround them, the world opens up. Those who own and respectfully speak their truth gain trust more easily.Those who are deemed trustworthy by their talented staff are able to create an environment where if, cooperation is rewarded for the greatest good, synergy can occur. Synergy is the amplification of resources is your prize. More is accomplished with the same resources skillfully applied. The truth supports smart and capable folks to intentionally row in the same direction with their individual gifts and oar. The heart knows and responds to the truth when it is spoken. Seek the truth knowing it is rocket fuel for the soul. 


Operating from a place of truthfulness enlivens your options as an Original Thinker.
Albert Einstein, one of my favorite thinkers, provides
his perspective on the benefits of being a Truth Seeker below.


“The efforts to strive for the truth has to precede all other efforts.”


“The search for truth and knowledge is one of the finest attributes of man.”


“Truth tends to present itself modestly and in simple garb.”


“Truth is what stands the test of experience.”


“It is difficult to say what truth is, but sometimes it is so easy to recognize a falsehood.”
                                     - Albert Einstein



“You can only tell others the truth to the degree that you can tell it to yourself.”

  – Michelle Sherman




What is your favorite quote of truth about truth?


We look forward to hearing from you at


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