How to Harvest a Stellar Reputation:
During our inaugural Conscious Commerce Conference held in September of 2017, we outlined how clients can intentionally build (or erode) a reputation that couldeasy their way professionally. Here are a few pointers to consider...
There Is great personal power in intentionally managing your professional reputation.How you enhance or destroy this reputation is impacted through the choices you make every day.
How Do you optimize this potent tool?
Onekey factor is integrity – aligning your thoughts, words and deeds, so that others will have a consistent experience. Those who are out of integrity create confusion, negative impressions and are often labeled as hypocrites.This results in a team of people who deliver the minimum required to cover their behinds, while resenting the hypocrisy.
A Negative reputation is built upon a shaky foundation of dishonesty,condescension, disrespectful treatment of others and their ideas, bullying,backstabbing, verbal abuse, withholding vital info, blaming others, humiliation tactics, demeaning or rude reactions, eternal indecision, passive aggressive behaviors, objectification, making others look bad to boost one’s own position or agenda, acting superior, a lack of backbone, unwillingness to take responsibility or examine consequences, or adopting a win/lose approach to projects etc.
Now Pick the ones you revert to when stressed or overwhelmed.
Once you are aware of your less than honorable treatment of others you can make new choices to boost your standing with individuals or team. Here are a few basic concepts to consider…
A positive reputation is built upon being a consistent, respectful and encouraging example. It is built on a foundation of acceptance, appreciation of diverse approaches and opinions, a “live and let live” attitude and setting a positive example for others. It is built by being engaged, honest, present, fair,creative, kind, acknowledging, caring, open to feedback, straightforward,brave, adventurous, compassionate, generous with your time and energy, mentorship,seeking win/win solutions or outcomes, thinking BIG.
Now choose your two favorites and practice them daily.
If you are still at a loss, then developing a Conscious Commerce practice is indicated. Contact us at www.vastinstitute .com to connect and see how we can help. Remember asa visionary,
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." — Mahatma Gandhi
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