Does It Mean to Be a VAST Masterpiece of Humanity?
A Masterpiece of Humanity is dedicated to exampling the nobility, kindness, wisdom and wholeness of their authentic self for the betterment of humankind.
Why ?
To Reduce the suffering of the best and brightest among us
Those capable of improving the planet with their treasure, talent and uplifted consciousness often ignore the significance of being comfortable with their inherent wholeness. The VAST Institute Personal Integration Model unleashes a person’s potential to be the beacon of light they were meant to be. This is what we mean by being authentic.
How ?
By learning and practicing the holographic skill, set created by the VAST Institute, to empower personal integration, authenticity, confidence, ease, andthe crafting of a quality of life that honors, nourishes and delights you. You can become an inspiration to yourself, business colleagues and clients on how to optimize one’s gifts, talents and abilities, in wholeness and splendor, making life that much more enjoyable.
The next VAST Masterpiece of Humanity Certification program begins soon. It is specifically geared to embellish your current practice by providing navigational tools and skill sets that will accelerate you and your client’s integration and healing achievements. Those who complete the curriculum will be certified by VAST as a Masterpiece of Humanity.
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