VAST Institute

Leadership Genius: the Secret Power of Epiphany

michelle • May 8, 2021

How not knowing can enhance your leadership presence

Leadership Genius is about respecting the mystery, applying the science, and learning to optimize benefits for the greatest good of all stakeholders, today. It isn’t always evident, but completely doable.


As we become more refined in our awareness and options as an interrelated culture, it is up to enlightened leadership to leverage epiphany as one of our best allies in the ongoing quest for profits, success and peace of mind.  


Epiphany is defined by Miriam Webster as:

1)  a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature of something

2)  and intuitive grasp of reality through something such as an event, usually simple and striking

3)  an illuminating discovery, realization or disclosure as in a revealing scene or moment               

Wow! Described as sudden, essential, intuitive, striking, illuminating, and revealing are the dramatic words used to explain what the epiphany allows.


Epiphany is about learning to let go on an intellectual level to elevate original and divergent solutions throughout your teams. Intentionally developing original and divergent thinkers takes your agenda the extra mile, because they care to. That last 5% delivered by those who believe in you and your mission as respected contributors, will continually improve your outcomes.


The leadership genius of this resides in a willingness to “not know everything” or “appear perfect” to those who you lead if you want to co-create success in life and work, as a part of the team. It is endearing to admit to your occasional mistake and solicit support to remedy it. You are seen as part of the team which allows for synergy. It is about sincerely seeking the best solutions, information and outcomes as a vibrant, emotionally-uplifting and trustworthy presence.


In the 1980s, I had the privilege of working with a team of dedicated problem solvers out of Palo Alto who were going to create a world Beyond War. Albert Einstein said it plainly after Hiroshima and the advent of nuclear weapons, everything changed for humankind except the way in which we think. He summed it up be saying, “You cannot solve a problem at the same level of thinking that created it.”


To allow for a new level of thinking, as encouraged by Albert through an epiphany, you must also learn to be OK if slightly embarrassed by the realization that you no longer see the world, the way you once did. See this as a normal part of the growth spurt associated with updating your worldview, a Continuous Quality Improvement soul care measure, sure to please Dr. Edward Deming himself.


Buddhist scholars speak to the suffering we cause ourselves due to our reluctance to accept the impermanent and recalibration of life continuously surging forward. To create the new, we must first develop the skills to make a proper welcoming space by relinquishing our claim to the automatically right. Not knowing as uncomfortable as it is for born leaders is the precursor for great wonders to unfold. The blank canvas welcomes the beloved creator within the artist. Practicing letting go invites the wondrous and astounding revelations of epiphany to comfort and unfold. 


What have been your greatest epiphanies thus far?

Let us know and we will share insights in future issues.



For Leaders interested in expanding their genius, confidence and imagination, schedule a confidential briefing on how our custom curated programs can illuminate your approach to success,  Link Here

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