VAST Institute

VAST Quick Encouragement on Belonging

Michelle Sherman • February 6, 2020

Once, the impossible dream


reprinted with permission from:   Walking Flower:  a blossoming of consciousness  , Sherman, 2005, pg.5.



I belong with you- I know so


It was told me in a dream.


And when the truth revealed itself,


My most ancient heart became serene.


My center it felt peaceful.


As I heard this truth be spoken.


For until that moment precious


The spokes of this pure heart felt


incomplete and broken.


The thought of being yours


And belonging for one brief measure


Brought into my heart’s deepest core


A joy and fearfulness beyond all pleasure.


For I have never belonged with another from the passage of my birth.


And try as I may to give of myself


A complete connection still did thirst.


But now I know the feeling


Of being Whole,






As I discover the balance of my soul resides


Within the form that dwells


From the top of Your head


To the souls of Your feet. - MPHS

Thoughts on Belonging
One of the hardest things to accomplish in this lifetime is knowing where you belong. I realize many people are happy where they are or have landed, but as humans,we each have experienced feeling excluded, dismissed, ignored, or worse. The confusion as to where we each belong is one of the great existential paradoxes our minds wrestle with. It is precisely this confusion that precedes the achievement of clarity. There are steps we each must take to decide if we belong.


Do we belong to our family of origin or, are we the lone sparkle that everyone else loved while disparaging one another?


Do we belong to a school, book club, community center, religious or political group, country, planet, solar system, universe, multiverse, etc.


Do we belong in this lifetime?


Do we belong in this relationship?


You get the picture.


Belonging is an important survival mechanism for human beings. And so, we obsess about it in ways that stress us out and fuel our hunger to belong. Fit in. Be relevant.

To feel relevant, we must know who we are and what gifts we bring to the table.Once we are comfortable with our unique brand of power we can decide where and with whom we belong.

We belong wherever we dwell- once we understand that, embracing our eccentric tendencies poises us for great success.

Own it. Strut it. Enjoy it.


Self- appreciation is the soil where genuine Self- Confidence can take root and flower as a Masterpiece of Humanity through the alchemy of self-wisdom. 

Our private coaching sessions support you in creating a welcomed paradigm shift of human consciousness as you attend to your life in an illuminated manner. We welcome your bold and brilliant soul to join us to mastermind and anchor greater wisdom. Applications and scholarship requests are available via our
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