What is a Sacred Union?
Once I create a healthy relationship with my authentic self and take some time to practice comfortably navigating the world, I am ready to create a sacred union.
A sacred union is one created between adults who choose to be together to celebrate and advocate for each other’s wholeness and unique beauty as individuals and in concert.There is no room for competition between the intimates. There is only space fora balance of power, empathy and reciprocity. The world is a happier and healthier place when we resolve the ongoing conflicts occurring within and beyond ourselves instead of unintentionally projecting them onto others. The person we are in relationship with provides a rare opportunity for growth towards intimacy and, taking responsibility for what is my stuff. More on this later.
If you would like a jump start or refresher on how to create the boundaries that promote a sacred union
visit our website to review our Healthy Relationship workbook and programs .
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