VAST Institute

Why Trust & Integrity will Save the Day

Michelle Sherman • February 6, 2018

Trust is a human dilemma that often goes undiscussed


It is nearly impossible these days to open any social media or browse news stations without being bombarded by examples of blatant misconduct in the work place. While sexual harassment and intimidation are extremely important issues that must be addressed, today let us explore another reason that people can feel mistreated at work. Lack of Trust is a human dilemma that often goes undiscussed.


In this second segment of the Vast Institute Code of Conduct Series being offered on Wednesday, February 7, 2018, where Catherine Corley and Michelle Sherman will give us deep insight into how to employ a code of conduct with Trust & Integrity to play a pivotal role in workplace satisfaction, cohesive teamwork and optimized goal attainment.


We find it interesting that despite the fact that many of us spend a large portion of our waking time at work, we do not actively develop trust in our relationships with our colleagues. When we think of trust in relationships, we think of romantic partners, dear friends and some family members, but why not our colleagues? They are the people who help us achieve career goals and professional growth that can have a huge impact on virtually every aspect of our lives. Just as a marriage would soon fall apart without trust, imagine how difficult it would be to move forward on a project with someone you felt you couldn’t trust. Humans thrive in their roles when they feel supported and safe to be innovative without fear of ridicule, intimidation, dishonesty or shame. A huge benefit of trust is that it allows colleagues to operate with the assumption that the other person is doing their best, has good intentions and is a unique contributor.


A vital aspect of developing Trust is Integrity. During this online learning opportunity, you will explore how to earn Trust, carry yourself with Integrity and navigate environments where it is not present. This VAST Conscious Commerce Code of Conduct session will offer concrete methods to minimize the inherent costs associated with negotiating with those who choose expediency and convenience over integrity in the professional world.


Join us this Wednesday for the online learning session from 1:00-2:00PM PST. Tune in over lunch, while commuting or participate as a team who is interested in taking their commitment to each other one step further!


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